Requiem for a Dream (2000) Review

"Anyway, I'm not really hooked..." -Marion Silver Requiem for a Dream follows the story of four people as they deal with drug addiction. Harry Goldfarb (Jared Leto) and his best friend, Tyrone Love (Marlon Wayans), start selling heroin so they can make something of themselves and help Harry's girlfriend, Marion Silver (Jennifer Connely), open a dress shop, but all three become addicted to heroin themselves and their lives spiral out of control. At the same time, Harry's mother, Sara (Ellen Burstyn), starts a diet, but when she discovers she doesn't have the will-power to stick with it, she sees a doctor who gives her weight-loss amphetamines, but Sara quickly starts to abuse them and her life starts to parallel that of her son's. What Works: This film should be shown in every high school health class. Requiem for a Dream is a far more effective way to prevent drug use than D. A. R. E. will ever be. The way this film is shot and...