Hotel Mumbai (2019) Review

"Walk away." -Vasili In 2008, Mumbai, India suffered a brutal terrorist attack that left at least 174 people dead. This film focuses on one of the major locations in the attack, the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, and follows the guests and workers trapped inside as they fight to survive. What Works: Hotel Mumbai is essentially Die Hard in a hotel; a group of terrorists take control of a building and those trapped inside have to stay alive and avoid the killers, but it's all a true story. This film is both brutal and disturbing. The filmmakers did not hold back in terms of violence. Many people are wounded or killed, some are shot point-blank and we see it up close. It's a very effective and realistic film that shows the sheer horror of these attacks. Some may find this to be too much, but I commend the filmmakers for not downplaying how horrific this violence was. The tension is incredibly high in this film and you are always on th...