Survivor: Winners at War, Episode 12 "Friendly Fire" Gameplay Breakdown

"It was a failure, but it was fun." -Tony Vlachos We got another doozy of an episode from Survivor: Winners at War . More crazy gamplay from Tony, an awesome Immunity Challenge, and more frantic whispers at Tribal Council, but how good was the gameplay? Let's take a closer look! Who Played Well: Let's start with Jeremy, who somehow survived this round against all odds (and he really shouldn't have). He has one heck of a social bond with Tony, which is what saved him. He also got Michele to give him the 50/50 Coin, he eliminated Kim, and he at least tried to patch things up with Ben, even if it didn't go anywhere. Tony was on fire, once again. He won Immunity and it only cost him a Fire Token, he patched things up with Sarah and even offered to play his Idol on her, he saw Ben find the Idol, and eliminated his biggest threat in Kim. I don't love that he told so many people about his Idol, but it seems to have worked out for hi...