The Hunt (2020) Review

"Don't First Amendment me, please." -Paul A group of people wake up in the woods and quickly find themselves being hunted by the wealthy elite, but one among them isn't so easily hunted. Spoiler Alert for The Hunt ahead. I don't recommend this movie and I would even say it's bad, but there will be spoilers ahead. Do with that what you will. What Works: The best part of this movie is how unpredictable the first act is. Three times, we are introduced to a character who is played by a recognizable actor. We assume they are the main character only for them to be quickly killed. Finally, the 4th time, we get out main character, but it shows us that no one is safe in this film and I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. Betty Gilpin plays our protagonist, Crystal, and I really like her performance. She's a weirdo and a bit on the psycho side, but she is John Wick-levels of competent and it's easy to root for her....