Lost: Season 3, Episode 15 "Left Behind" Review

"I'm really sorry I called you rotund." -Sawyer "Left Behind" kicks off with Kate (Evangeline Lilly) being visited by Locke (Terry O'Quinn) who tells her he is joining the Others. Later, she sees the Others packing up to leave and is gassed by them. She wakes up in the jungle, handcuffed to Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell). The two of them make their way back to the Barracks, while being chased by the Monster, which Juliet claims to not be familiar with. Juliet blames Kate for the destruction of the submarine. The two fight and Kate dislocates Juliet's arm, but puts it back in. Juliet tells Kate that Jack (Matthew Fox) saw Kate and Sawyer (Josh Holloway) have sex back on Hydra Island and tells her she broke Jack's heart. When the monster attacks again, they run into the sonic fence, which Kate refuses to cross. Juliet reveals she had the key to the handcuffs the entire time and frees herself and activates the fence, which stops the monster. ...