Twin Peaks: Season 2, Episode 13 "Checkmate" Review
"Maybe you brought the nightmare with you. And maybe, it will die with you." -Jean Renault "Checkmate" picks up with Major Briggs (Don Davis) explaining what happened to him to Agent Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) and Sheriff Truman (Michael Ontkean). Briggs doesn't remember much, except for a large owl. He also has three triangular scars behind his ear. Briggs starts to tell them about his investigation into the White Lodge, but two military police offcers arrive to take Briggs away. Dick Tremayne (Ian Buchanan) recruits Deputy Andy (Harry Goaz) to help him investigate what happened to Little Nicky's (Joshua Harris) parents. The two of them sneak into the orphanage over lunch and Dick finds Nicky's file. They are walked in on by two prospective parents that are there to see the child they are adopting. Dick tries to stall them by saying the child isn't feeling well. Shelly Johnson (Mädchen Amick) grows frustrated in taking care of Leo (Eric Da ...