Survivor 45: Episode 10 "How Am I the Mobster?" Gameplay Analysis

"I did fart once." -Drew Basile Okay, the Top Gun montage sequence in this episode might be my favorite Survivor moment since Tony won Winners at War . I don't know whose idea it was, but they deserve a raise. That was the funniest moment in a very funny episode. This episode was a blast even if the gameplay was questionable at times. Let's get into who played well and who sucked! Who Played Well: Taking out Bruce was a mostly questionable movie since I don't think he could have beat anyone in the end. He was a great Final Three goat. However, I think splitting the vote between Bruce and Jake was a good move for Austin, Dee, and Julie. They're the ones in power, so getting rid of the bottom feeders is fine for them. Austin also managed to win a tough Immunity Challenge, which gave them the opportunity to get rid of Bruce. Emily was very effective in this episode. She was the one who lured Bruce into a false sense of security so...