Survivor 48, Episode 3 "Committing to the Bit" Gameplay Analysis

"A skull is a very scary thing to see in this game." -Kamilla Karthigesu Wow, that was certainly an episode of Survivor! Two major notes here. First off, I hate that the players who were sent on the Journey in this episode were forced to play the game. I really wish they had been given the opportunity to back out, especially since it was just a game of chance. Secondly, I think Cedrek's flip at Tribal Council is one of the worst moves we've ever seen in the premerge. I'd love to hear some other potential contenders for worst premerge move of all time. Let's get into who played well and who sucked. Who Played Well: We'll start over on the Civa tribe. Kamilla took the hero spot in the Immunity Challenge and won it for her tribe, so good for her. If you're going to take the hero spot, you'd better deliver, and she did. She also managed to get an Extra Vote, but that was 100% luck. I really liked the conversation between Kyle and ...