Fargo: Season 1 Episode 6: "Buridan's Ass" Review

"Not apprehend. Dead. Don't care extramarital. Don't care not related. Kill and be killed. Head in a bag. That's the message." - Moses Tripoli Episode 6 of Fargo finds Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton) and Don Chumph (Glenn Howerton) setting a meeting to get the million dollars from Stavros Millos (Oliver Platt). Malvo has no intention of splitting the money with Don, so he knocks him out and ties him to a work out machine and duct tapes a shotgun to his hands. Malvo than fires several bullets out the window to keep the police preoccupied while he gets the money. The Duluth Police Department raids the house and kills poor Don, who can do nothing to escape his fate. On his way to the meeting, Malvo gets into a car crash caused by Wrench (Russell Harvard) and Numbers (Adam Goldberg), which starts a shootout in the middle of a blizzard. Deputy Solverson (Allison Tolman) and Officer Grimly (Colin Hanks) are up...