Fargo Season 1 Episode 4 "Eating The Blame" Review

"Did you know the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color?"
-Lorne Malvo

The fourth episode of Fargo, "Eating The Blame" follows Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton) and Don Chumph (Glenn Howerton) continue to torment the Super Market King of Minnesota, Stavros Milos (Oliver Platt).  After the blood in his shower, Lorne and Don further manipulate Stavros into believing God is punishing him by infesting one of his stores with crickets.

Gus Grimly (Colin Hanks) responds to a call at Stavros' house about the murder of his dog, but spots Lorne outside and arrests him.  Gus calls Molly Solverson (Allison Tolman) to come over to Duluth to interrogate Lorne, but Chief Bill Oswalt (Bob Odenkirk) won't let her and goes in her place.  Lorne manages to BS his way out of prison by convincing Oswalt and the Duluth Chief of police that he is actually a Lutheran minister.  It's hilarious watching the murderous Lorne pretend to be such a kind and mild-mannered man.  The only person to see through Lorne is Gus, who later meets up with Molly and they decide they have to go after Lester Nygaard (Martin Freeman).

They aren't the only ones after Lester.  Wrench (Russell Harvard) and Numbers (Adam Goldberg) kidnap Lester and throw him in the trunk of their car.  They take him out onto a frozen lake, intending to put him in it after he confesses to Sam Hess' murder.  Lester manages to taze Numbers and escape. In a very clever and hilarious scene, Lester comes across a police officer who refuses to give him a ride back into town.  Knowing the hitmen are closing in, Lester hits the cop, who arrests him and puts him safely in jail.  Numbers and Wrench are pretty clever themselves, when they fake a bar fight, getting themselves both arrested and put into the same cell as Lester, giving us an awesome cliffhanger.

What Works:

Another fantastic episode of Fargo.  We get good stuff from everyone involved.  Billy Bob Thornton is terrific as usual, switching between his personas at the drop of a hat.  Plus, seeing him work with an idiotic Glenn Howerton is simply wonderful.

The scenes between Lester and Wrench and Numbers are all fantastic as well.  We get to see Lester show that he's more clever than we think, but we also get to see why Wrench and Numbers are great antagonists as well.  They are smart.  It's always refreshing to have smart characters on my screen.

Finally, this episode ties in the events of the movie.  It's revealed that Stavros Milos' success began after he accidentally found the money Steve Buscemi buried in the snow.  That's how Stavros was able to start his supermarket chain.  It's a great way to tie the the show to a movie and isn't heavy-handed or clunky in its execution.

What Sucks:

I got nothing....


Another fantastic episode of Fargo.  It uses all of its characters well, and has some very clever moments, plus a awesome cliffhanger, and a tie-in to the movie.  What more could you ask for?

 10/10: Amazing 


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