Survivor: David vs. Goliath Episode 2 Analysis "The Chicken Has Flown the Coop"

"I feel I get along with everybody."
-Natalie Cole

David vs. Goliath serves up another solid episode that I really enjoyed except for the fact that my pick in my Survivor fantasy league was voted out!  This league has been playing since San Juan Del Sur and I have yet to win.  Sigh...let's get to the gameplay breakdown so I can get my mind off this loss.

Who Played Well:

We'll start over on the David tribe with Christian and Nick.  The two of them formed an alliance and found themselves in the swing position in the vote.  I think they made the right call because now they are in a very good spot within their tribe.  Christian also further cemented his bond with Gabby and Nick had an impressive comeback from his disastrous first episode.  I'm excited to see how this Mason-Dixon alliance plays out.

Then we have Elizabeth and Lyrsa, who really should have been screwed this week, but they somehow managed to turn the numbers around and recruit Gabby, Christian, and Nick to save Lyrsa and knock out Jessica.  I was very impressed with their play.

As for my actual winner pick, Gabby, she came across very insecure and overly-emotional in this episode, but I don't think it hurt her.  The person she wanted to go home went out and she solidified her bond with Christian.

Finally, we have Davie, who had a mixed night, but I think it was net positive.  Sure, he was on the wrong side of the numbers, but he found a hidden immunity idol and is in the best position of himself, Carl, and Bi.  I think he'll be okay.

Over on the Goliath tribe, we have Angelina and Natalia who formed a majority alliance.  We didn't get to see it truly take hold of the tribe, but I don't think the editors would have shown this to us if it didn't come to be.  Alec and John also managed to get in the alliance simply because they have good social connections with Angelina and Natalia.

The we have Jeremy who found Dan's idol.  That's good information to have.  He shared the information with Mike, who also had a great episode.  It seems like he has earned his way back into his tribe's good graces.  They all seem to like him now and Jeremy likes him enough to share intel with him.

Finally, we have Kara, who had a mixed night, but I think it was net positive.  Her alliance with Dan is drawing way too much attention, but at least Kara is aware of this problem and still managed to get herself, and Dan, into the majority alliance.  If push comes to shove, I think Kara will have no problem cutting Dan's throat.

Who Sucked:

Going back to the David tribe, we'll start with Bi, who was pretty terrible in the challenge.  I think people will forget about her performance because it ended up coming down to the puzzle, but she got destroyed by Alec.  She also did a poor job reassuring Gabby and this caused her to end up on the wrong side of the numbers.  If David loses again, she could easily be the next to go, but I will say I liked her post-challenge pep-talk.  She has a very good attitude.

Finally, we have Carl, who has made himself an enemy in Lyrsa.  If you're going to throw a name out there, you'd better make damn sure that person goes home.  Carl is on the wrong side of the numbers and I would bet that Lyrsa will be coming for him next.

Over on the Goliath tribe, we'll start with Dan, who is playing way to loosey-goosey.  He is far too obvious in his showmance with Kara and everyone is catching on.  He also didn't do a good enough job hiding his idol and now Jeremy and Mike know about it.  His bond with Kara did manage to get him into the majority alliance, but I don't think he is long for this game.

Finally, we have Natalie, who may be one of the worst Survivor players I have ever seen.  She is hilarious lacking in self-awareness.  Her conversation with Jeremy may be one of the funniest things I've seen on this show.  Her confrontations with everyone show she has no idea how to play this game.  If Goliath loses, she's gone.

We also have Alison, who didn't really do anything of note.

As for Jessica, she had promised, but did a poor job of handling Gabby's emotions.  Had she been more willing to talk and reassure Gabby, Jessica would still be in the game.  That's all it takes sometimes.  You need to make sure everyone you are voting with is comfortable, or you'll be the one whose torch is getting snuffed.


The Stacy's Blog Has Got It Going On Award for episode 2 goes to Christian Hubiciki.  He formed a powerful alliance with Nick, found himself in the swing spot, made the right call to put himself in a solid position within the tribe, and cemented his bond with Gabby.  An impressive week for Christian, who I didn't like in the first episode, but I am coming around on him.

The Not The Player For Me Award for episode 2 goes to Natalie Cole once again.  Her obliviousness to how she is perceived by others is just astounding.  It's great TV, but terrible gameplay.  

Another fun episode of Survivor.  I'm really digging this season and am very happy we won't be getting a tribe swap at 18.  So far, so good, Survivor.  Keep it up!



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