Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) Review

"I got a flamethrower in my tool shed."
-Rick Dalton

Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio), a talented actor who is past his prime, and his best friend, stunt double, and driver Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) are trying to find their place in a changing Hollywood.  Things get crazy when they become entangled with the Manson Family and Rick's neighbor, Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie).

What Works:

As a film fanatic and someone who lived in Los Angeles, I really appreciated the world of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.  I like movies that are about the film industry and this movie is one of the better ones.  There are so many little things that go into this film that makes it truly feel like a Hollywood movie.  Is it romanticized?  Sure, but that doesn't mean it's not fun.  It's obvious that Tarantino is a great lover of film and that certainly translates.

Surprisingly, there isn't a ton of gore or ultra-violence in the film, which is shocking when you consider Tarantino's other films, but when it does happen, it's great.  It's bloody, messy, and over-the-top, as it should be.

Brad Pitt is the best part of the film and gives one of, if not the, best performances of his career.  Cliff is an awesome character with some interestingly mysterious aspects.  I love how fearless he is when facing a cult of hippies (one of my worst fears) and watching him trip on acid is hysterical.

Leonardo is also great and has an extremely wide range.  Rick Dalton goes through an emotional roller coaster and watching Leo playing Dalton playing a villainous cowboy is a real treat.  This is the role Leo should win Best Actor for, not The Revenant.

Finally, my favorite sequence of the movie occurs when Cliff visits an old film ranch where the Manson Family has taken up occupancy.  It really is insane that Tarantino manages to get a film set in Los Angeles filled with hippies to feel as dangerous as an outlaw town in an old Western.  It's an intense and terrifying sequence and I had no idea what was going to happen next.

What Sucks:

Strangely enough, my biggest complaint with the film comes from it's length.  It's too short.  That's odd for a movie that's over 2 1/2 hours long.  There were parts that I wish had been stretched out for longer and the ending could have gone on a bit more.  A little bit more and this could have been Tarantino's best film.


Tarantino delivers on another great film.  DiCaprio and Pitt are amazing, the gore is brutal, the story is fascinating, and the Western elements are truly inspired.  I only wish the film were longer, but, without a doubt, it's got it going on.

 9/10: Great     


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