South Park: Season 23 Finale "Christmas Snow" Review

"You want me to do a Christmas Special?"
-Randy Marsh

Season 23 begins its wrap up with a Christmas festival in South Park.  As the townsfolk partake in their favorite holiday pastime, drinking and driving, Santa Claus gets upset and gets the sale of alcohol banned until the new year.

The townsfolk are bummed out, so Mayor McDaniels gets Randy to help.  He creates a new strain of weed that is infused with cocaine.  This lifts the town's spirits until Santa gets the sale of marijuana prohibited until the new year.

Randy manages to get cocaine legalized, so Santa resorts to stealing the cocaine from everyone.  Randy and Towelie give chase and crash Santa's slay.  Randy gets Santa to try the cocaine and gets Mr. Claus on his side.  Jesus tries to step in, but once he tries the cocaine, he gets on board as well.  They spread the cocaine all across town and everyone gets high and drives, ready to enjoy the holidays.

What Works:

I was a really big fan of the story for this episode.  I like the idea of a town banning alcohol for the holidays and watching their reactions to it.  It's a great premise and continuously escalates to absurd levels, as South Park is known to do.  It's a lot of fun and I like it when this show focuses on one story and tells it right.

The second half of the episode had some incredible moments.  After Santa steals the cocaine, Randy and Towelie give chase on a snowmobile.  It's actually pretty epic until you remember this is all about cocaine.  Then it becomes hilarious.

Watching Santa and Jesus do cocaine with Randy is excellent.  It's offensive, shocking, and wonderful.  It's a classic South Park moments and another fantastic use of Jesus on the show.

Finally, "Christmas Snow" has one of the funniest moments of the entire season when Jesus causes cocaine to snow across South Park.  It's freaking hysterical and utterly absurd.  It's a Christmas miracle as only South Park can pull off.

What Sucks:

I wasn't thrilled to see Tegridy Farms back and I get that's exactly why Trey and Matt did this.  It's their show and they can do what they want, but ugh.  I should have expected this.  It wasn't exactly bad, it's just a little repetitive.

My only other complaint is that the boys don't really do anything in this episode.  That isn't intrinsically a bad thing, but it felt like they were set up to have a plot in this episode.  Early on, they complain that they might not get any presents.  This seems like the perfect opportunity to give them some sort of scheme to save Christmas, but they don't do anything about it.


"Christmas Snow" is a solid ending to the season, even if I wasn't thrilled to be back at Tegridy Farms and the boys didn't get enough to do.  I loved everything with Santa and Jesus and the story as a whole was really intriguing.  As a whole, this episode has definitely got it going on.

 8/10: Really Good 


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