Survivor: Winners at War, Episode 3 "Out for Blood" Analysis

"Baby shark!" -Tony Vlachos Man, that was a heart-breaker of an episode. I still can't believe Ethan was the one voted out. What a brutal episode. This is going to be a tough season, I can tell already. Some of the gameplay in this episode was pretty brutal as well. Brutally bad. Let's take a closer look. Who Played Well: We'll just be sticking with the Dakal tribe for this segment. Sophie and Sarah managed to pull off a clutch win during the puzzle section of the Immunity Challenge. Sarah also managed to pull off a heist netting her a Vote Steal. Good stuff for Officer Sarah. I also liked Yul throwing Tyson under the bus to Sandra. Creating division between these two is a great move for Yul and I think he'll be able to keep Sandra on his side. Who Sucked: Sticking with the Dakal tribe, the only person I have here is Tyson. He put too much trust in Yul in thowing out Sandra's name....