Logan (2017) Review

"Not okay!"

In the not so distant future, mutants are all but extinct.  Logan (Hugh Jackman) and Charles (Patrick Stewart) are in hiding in Mexico, both approaching the end of their lives.  Logan is hired to escort a young mutant girl, Laura (Dafne Keen), to a safe zone in North Dakota.  However, some dangerous people are hunting Laura forcing her, Logan, and Charles to flee across the country in one last mission to help a young mutant.

What Works:

Hugh Jackman is amazing in his last ride as Wolverine.  He's always been perfect in the role, but he really knocks this one out of the park in the face of mortality.  It's a gritty, heart-wrenching performance and he carries the film with it.

Patrick Stewart is also incredible.  Seeing this figure of wisdom and guidance losing control of his mind is very sobering and Stewart does fantastic work.  It's a tragic end to the character and more than a little depressing, but it's some fantastic acting.

I loved Dafne Keen's performance as well.  Kid actors are rarely good, but she's simply badass.  She's a brutal killing machine and has no qualms about it.  I love it!  She's totally competent and not annoying in the slightest.  Why can't all kids in movies be like her?

Logan is R-rated and they do not hold back on the violence.  There are some truly vicious and brutal kills, many of which come at the hands of children, and I freakin' love it.  I'm always up for some decapitations and dismemberment and Logan delivers in spades. 

Finally, I love how this is a superhero/western movie.  In terms of tone and style, it feels very much like a western.  It gives Logan a unique feel in the X-Men series and it really works, especially with how dark this story is.

What Sucks:

My only problems with Logan are the villains.  Dr. Rice (Richard E. Grant) and Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook) are fine, but they are both pretty generic villains.  In a series with villains like Magneto and Stryker, these guys don't really measure up.


Logan is an excellent superhero movie and a great way to wrap up the stories of Logan and Charles.  The acting is fantastic, the story is heart-breaking, and the violence is awesome.  I wish the villains had been more memorable, but Logan has absolutely got it going on.

 9/10: Great 


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