Survivor 41, Episode 2 "Juggling Chainsaw" Analysis

"Butterflies are just dead relatives saying hi." -Xander Hastings I've been a little apprehensive of all the new twists Survivor has thrown in this season so far, but the Beware Advantage is definitely my favorite of the bunch, simply for its sheer entertainment value. Watching Xander try to force the above sentence into everyday conversation was definitely the highlight of the episode. What ever happens next with the Beware Advantage, it was worth it. Anyway, let's figure out who played well and who sucked. Played Well: Starting on the Luvu tribe, the best was easily Naseer who pulled a complete 180 with his social game and survival know-how. He was described as essential to the tribe. That's a great spot to be in. Sydney, Erika, and Deshawn all killed it in the Immunity Challenge. I have some issues with Deshawn volunteering to go on the journey. You shouldn't separate yourself from the tribe like that, but it worked out basically perfec...