Survivor 42, Episode 10 "Tell a Good Lie, Not a Stupid Lie" Gameplay Analysis

 "Mikey no likey."
-Omar Zaheer

This was a pretty straightforward episode of Survivor, to the point where I would call it predictable.  But, you know what?  A straightforward episode of Survivor is nice sometimes.  I don't need to be blindsided every episode.  I like fully understanding what is going on and why.  This episode was ultimately a breath of fresh air.  Let's take a look at who played well and who sucked.

Who Played Well:

Let's start with Lindsay and Drea.  The two of them managed to power up their Advantage Amulet by taking out Hai and now have a Vote Steal instead of an Extra Vote.  If they can work together, they can do some serious damage.  Lindsay also won Immunity.  I don't love that she told Mike and Omar about the Advantage Amulet though, but it was still a mostly positive episode for her.

Omer completely controlled this vote and did a fantastic job of turning Mike against Hai.  This is his game to lose now.

Jonathan managed to survive another week and took out Hai, who was gunning for him.  He also managed to see right through Hai's lie about having an Idol.

Maryanne was part of the move to take out Hai and also managed to find herself an Idol.

Finally, we have Romeo, and I reserve the right to change my mind on this one.  Romeo voted for Jonathan along with Hai.  We aren't told explicitly why in the episode, but we do see him strategizing with Omar.  Could Romeo have been left out of the vote?  Maybe, but I think he voted for Jonathan just in case of him playing his Shot in the Dark.  If that's the case, than that was a good move.

Who Sucked:

Out of the players left in the game, the only person I have here is Mike.  He was completely fooled by Omar's lie and tricked into voting out his closest ally.  Mike's game took the biggest hit in this episode, that's for sure.

As for Hai, most of what he did wrong happened in the previous episode.  It was a bad move for him to take out Rocksroy and he should have listened to Mike when he said he was uncomfortable with the move.  He tired to control too much of the game and it came back to bite him.


Best Player of the Episode goes to Omar Zaheer for manipulating Mike incredibly well and knocking Hai out of the game.

Worst Player of the Episode goes to Mike Turner for falling for Omar's lie and voting out his closest ally.

So excited for the return of Do or Die............hopefully it doesn't knock anyone out of the game and ends up being irrelevant.  


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