Survivor 43, Episode 8 "Proposterous" Gameplay Analysis

 "Sometimes you have to rock the boat."
-Cassidy Clark

This was a pretty straightforward episode of Survivor without any big moves, and you know what, it was nice.  It's refreshing to have an episode like this sometimes.  I'm sure Jeff didn't love it and it certainly felt like he was trying to build this Tribal Council up into something that it wasn't, but for me, average Survivor is above average television.  No advantages, just two targets with valid reasons to be voted out and the anticipation of seeing which one would be going.  Even if this was straightforward, we still have to figure out who played well and who sucked.  Let's take a look!  

Who Played Well: 

Let's start with the majority 7, specifically Cody, Jesse, James, and Karla.  I think it was the right move for them to stick together, have a simple vote, and just take out a member of the minority group.  Since Owen had Immunity, Jeanine was a fair enough pick and a good move for these 4.  Also, Jesse now has 2 Idols.  Good for him.

Then we have Sami, who shouldn't be trying to make a move yet.  Ultimately, he did abandon his plans and went with the majority, which was the right move for him.  Next week would be a good time for him to mix things up, but ultimately I don't think he damaged his game and he's keeping his relationships with the minority players alive.

Once the move to take out Ryan fell apart, Gabler, Noelle, and Owen all got in with the majority to take out Jeanine, which was all they could do at that point if they didn't have the numbers.  Plus Owen probably saved himself with his Immunity win.

Who Sucked:

Ryan was one of the people who pushed for the Jeanine vote and it ended up going his way, but he doesn't get any of the credit for it.  He spent way too much time fishing and is absolutely clueless about his position in the game.  He needs to be on the beach playing the social and strategic side of the game.  At this point, I think he is the least likely to win.

Finally, we have Cassidy.  I'm going to leave her vote out of the equation.  She was on the outs with her vote for Ryan, but that could have been to cover in case of a Shot in the Dark being played.  I'm not sure.  More importaintly,  I don't love that she brought up gender in her argument with James over who should be voted out.  Her point is valid for sure, but that might scare James into getting rid of the women.  It's just something you shouldn't draw attention to in the game, no matter your gender.  If might make people think you're trying to form an all-men alliance or an all-women alliance.

As for Jeanine, she had a really bad break.  She just wasn't able to shake the game up enough in this round and Owen won Immunity, which left her as the next biggest threat in the minority.


Best Player of the Episode goes to Owen Knight for saving himself by winning Immunity and for being in the majority vote when the plan to take out Ryan fell apart.

Worst Player of the Episode goes to Ryan Medrano for spending too much time fishing and neglecting the social and strategic sides of the game.

I'm excited to see the double boot next week.  I'm expecting the players to use that opportunity to really shake things up.


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