Survivor 44: Episode 5 "The Third Turd" Gameplay Analysis

"We're a bunch of silly gooses out here." -Danny Massa Well, I really liked the first 90 of this episode, but I'm really annoyed that Tika didn't have to go to Tribal Council. They lost the Immunity Challenge and Matthew's quit had nothing to do with them. I'm bummed for Matthew. He was a fun character and it's tough to see him go out this way, but I'm more annoyed that we didn't get what could have been an awesome Tribal Council. Whether I'm annoyed or not, we still have to figure out who played well and who sucked. Who Played Well: Let's start over on Ratu. I really liked seeing the nerdy bond formed between Carson and Kane. Carson handled this tribe swap very well and used the opportunity to build relationships and Kane's position in his tribe is questionable at best. He definitely needs Carson as an ally. Over on Tika, going into this episode, Yam Yam seemed to be the obvious next boot. He managed to change things aroun...