Survivor 45 Finale "Living the Survivor Dream" Gameplay Analysis

"Have you heard my Tony impression?" -Jake O'Kane Wow, what a roller coaster. I was honestly expecting a pretty straightforward finale without a ton of tension. I thought Dee had this locked up and it wasn't going to be close. While I ended up being right about the winner, there was actually a ton of tension in this episode. It was much closer strategically than I thought it would be as well as at the Final Tribal Council. Plus the emotional journey for Jake really made this an engaging finale. I loved it and it's a great ending to an awesome season. Let's get into who played well and who sucked! We'll start with the Final 5. Who Played Well: Jake came up with a very clever way to win the Advantage for the Immunity Challenge. He didn't end up winning Immunity, but I do want to give him credit for how he remembered the combination. It reminded me of Stephen Fishbach in Tocantins. I also like his attempt at putt...