Survivor 45: Episode 12 "The Ex-Girlfriend at the Wedding" Gameplay Analysis

 "My kids are turning on me!"
-Julie Alley

Love is in the air, and so is some questionable gameplay.  This was a fun, if pretty straightforward episode until we got to Tribal Council.  I also think it made it pretty obvious who is going to win the season, but I could definitely be wrong.  Either way, let's get into who played well and who sucked.

Who Played Well:

Dee had a great episode.  She won Immunity and took out Drew, which is a great move for her.  She also managed to keep her emotions in check and didn't tell Austin about the plan to blindside Drew.  The game is more important than the showmance for Dee, which isn't the case for Austin.

Julie also had a good episode.  She's doing what she needs to do to survive and is willing to work with anyone.  I love how she and Jake just ditched Drew and went Idol hunting.

Who Sucked:

Austin was left out of the vote for Drew, which just makes him telling Dee about the Julie vote in the last episode even worse.  He's getting played and played hard.  We'll see if this jolts him into taking off the love goggles in the finale.

Jake and Katurah voting for Drew is a terrible move.  They needed to go to the end with him to really have a chance.  They needed to hope Drew's grumpiness was enough for him to lose jury votes.  Dee had Immunity and I'm sure they knew about Austin's Idol, so that leaves Julie.  Yes, it's a simple and straightforward move, but sometimes that's the best move.  It sounds like Julie can beat everyone.  Take her out!  I will give them some props though.  Katurah was the first one to get up and go hunting for the Idol and Jake actually found the Idol.  I just don't think it's enough to get them out of the "Who Sucked" category.

As for Drew, tough break.  Most of the blame for his loss can be placed at Austin's feet.  If everyone was playing the right way, he wouldn't have gone home.  He was perceived as a strategic threat and a skilled orator.  It might be smart to dial those skills back, especially at Tribal Council, until the final one.


Best Player of the Episode goes to Dee Valladares for winning Immunity, taking out Drew, and keeping Austin out of the loop.

Worst Player of the Episode goes to Katurah Topps for taking out Drew instead of Julie.

The finale is next and I think this is Dee's game to lose.  If she wins, she's a worthy winner.  If not, it'll be an exciting conclusion!  I'm still rooting for Jake, but I think it's a long shot.  I can't wait to see what happens!


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