Community: Season 1, Episode 14 "Interpretive Dance" Review

"Can I just ask as a divorced, black housewife, what part of being a single, white slacker makes you people so jaded?" -Shirley Bennett "Interpretive Dance" picks up with Britta (Gillian Jacobs) noticing a long, brown hair on Jeff's (Joel McHale) jacket and the study group teases him about it. Jeff eventually reveals that he's been regularly seeing someone, but refuses to say who. It turns out it's Professor Slater (Lauren Stamile) because Jeff is no longer her student. The two prepare to get it on in her office, but are interrupted by Dean Pelton (Jim Rash) who quickly kills the mood. Later, Slater and Jeff kiss in the library, but the rest of the group see them. Jeff comes clean about seeing Slater, but asks them to keep it quiet. Unfortunately, Pierce (Chevy Chase) immediately starts tweeting about it and the Dean calls a meeting with Jeff and Slater as soon as he hears about it. During the meeting, Slater says they are boyfriend and girlfrie...