Survivor 46 Premiere "This is Where the Legends Are Made" Gameplay Analysis

"From Slumdog to Survivor, baby!" -Bhanu Gopal Survivor is back, baby! This was a fun premiere with a unusual first boot. Going in, I never would have correctly guessed who was going first. I loved the Andy Griffith alliance and the geckos used in the Immunity Challenge were adorable. I want one! Maybe they'll auction them off after the season! Anyway, let's take a look at who played well and who sucked! Who Played Well: Let's start on the Nami tribe. Hunter and Tevin formed the Andy Griffith alliance. I'm hoping this alliance lasts because they seem like a fun pair. Tevin also managed to get himself an Extra Vote on the Journey. Soda also seems like she is in a good spot. She was given information from several people on her tribe and created a wedge between Randen and Venus. Moving over to Siga, Maria, Jem, Moriah, and Charlie all got into the Charlie's Angels alliance. Plus Maria and Tim have a side, parents allia...