Community: Season 1, Episode 20 "The Science of Illusion" Review

 "Knock knock.  Who's there?  Cancer!  Oh good!  Come on in!  I thought it was Britta."
-Britta Perry

"The Science of Illusion" picks up on the day before April Fool's Day.  Pierce (Chevy Chase) tells the group that he is about to ascend to Level 6 in his Buddhist religion.  Jeff (Joel McHale) decides to play a prank on Pierce and sends him off searching for a man who was delivering Level 6 robes.  He then has Abed (Danny Pudi) get a costume from the theater department.  They trick Pierce into wearing a wizard costume.  Britta (Gillian Jacobs) chides the group for taking advantage for taking advantage of someone who has been brainwashed by a cult, but they respond by calling her a buzzkill.

Determined to prove them wrong, Britta decides to pull a prank by taking a frog from the biology department and putting a sombrero on it and placing it on Señor Chang's (Ken Jeong) desk.  However, while trying to steal the frog, she accidentally knocks a cadaver out the window and squishes the frog.  She leaves the sombrero behind, which has Señor Chang's name on it, which makes Dean Pelton (Jim Rash) suspect someone from the Spanish class.  When no one confesses, the Dean brings in the mother of the cadaver to read out of her son's dream journal and says he will bring in another loved one every day until someone confesses.  He also bans April Fool's Day at Greendale forever.  Jeff immediately confronts Britta and tells her to confess or he's going to tell on her.

Annie (Alison Brie) and Shirley (Yvette Nicole Brown) volunteer to be extra campus security for April Fool's Day.  Abed, whose cable is out, decides to tag along with them as he believes the concept is a great buddy-cop movie.  He wonders which of them will be the by-the-book cop and which one will be the badass.  Both Annie and Shirley fight to prove they are the badass and the police allow them to handle the case of Britta's accidental vandalism.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Troy (Donald Glover) give Pierce a cookie wand to make him look like the Cookie Crisp Wizard, but they tell Pierce it's a piece of a meteor.

Britta, not wanting to be known as the person who killed April Fool's Day tries to frame Jeff by planting tiny clothing similar to the sombrero in his backpack and calls in a tip to Annie and Shirley.  They confront Jeff and find the clothing in his bag.  He tried to tell them Britta is framing him, but they don't believe them and he flees.  He manages to escape when Annie accidentally pepper sprays herself.

The Dean is concerned with the minor damage Shirley and Annie caused during the chase, but Abed doesn't believe he is being hard enough on them, so he takes over as a police captain character and chews them out.  He takes them off the case, but they decide to solve it anyway.  In study group, they confront Jeff and handcuff him.  Annie even slams his head into the table to get a confession out of him, but Britta finally fesses up and says she just wanted to change her reputation of being a buzzkill.  Annie and Shirley own up to the real reasons they both wanted to be seen as badasses, Pierce admits he's got held back from becoming Level 6, and Troy admits that the wand is a cookie wand.  They all end up crying in a group hug and Jeff comforts Britta by telling her she is the heart of the group, not a buzzkill.

The episode ends with an episode of "Troy and Abed in the Morning!" and Jeff joins the show as a guest, but he gets angry and leaves when he realizes there aren't any cameras.

What Works:

The highlight of this episode for me is everything with Shirley and Annie doing a buddy-cop movie.  Both of them give absolutely hilarious performances.  Abed is right.  This is a buddy-cop movie I would watch.  They have great interactions with each other, the chase with Jeff is hilarious, and watching Annie handcuff and slam Jeff's head into the table is shocking and hysterical, even if it's painful to witness.

This is an all-timer episode for Abed.  Watching him manipulate Annie, Shirley, and the Dean into giving him a buddy-cop movie is one of my favorite things the character has ever done and all because his cable is out.  I love watching him feed people lines and just eating candy and watching the events play out.  Abed is having a blast and I wish I could join him and watch this movie!

Gillian Jacobs also has a great episode and gets to show off her range.  She gets to be annoyed, sad, and horrified at her actions.  Knocking the cadaver out the window is some great physical comedy, but she also really sells her emotional breakdown at the end of the episode.  I know people criticize the characterization of Britta as the show goes on, but I think this episodes helps drive that evolution.  Britta doesn't want to be the buzzkill anymore so she allows herself to be goofier in later episodes.  It works for me.

I have no idea if this was intentional or not, but the Cookie Crisp joke is incredibly layered and funny.  Jeff is trying to make Pierce look like the Cookie Crisp Wizard and Troy later admits that he went along with it, but didn't get it because the Cookie Crisp mascot was a burglar when he was a kid.  As someone younger than Troy, that joke used to confuse me because when I was a kid, the Cookie Crisp mascot was a dog.  And I know people younger than me know the Cookie Crisp mascot as a wolf.  Again, I have know idea if the writers knew how many layers this joke would have, but I'll give them credit anyway.

Finally, this is the episode that gives us our first episode of "Troy and Abed in the Morning!" and it's amazing.  Jeff's reaction is just perfect.  I highly recommend watching the blooper reel where Jeff chases Troy and Abed around the set.

What Sucks:

I don't think the Wizard Pierce storyline is as strong as the rest of the episode.  It's fine, but not nearly as memorable as the rest of the episode.

Funniest Moment:

For me, the funniest moment of the episode Annie accidentally pepper sprays herself while chasing Jeff.

Heavenly Human Being:

The Heavenly Human Being Award goes to the MVP of the episode.  For "The Science of Illusion," this Award goes to Abed Nadir for manipulating Shirley, Annie, and the Dean into giving him the buddy-cop movie he wanted which led to a very cathartic and emotional moment for the group.  This is Abed's 7th time winning this Award, which extends his lead.


This is a very funny episode with the buddy-cop storyline being one of my favorites of the show.  Alison Brie, Yvette Nicole Brown, Danny Pudi, and Jim Rash make this hysterical to watch.  Gillian Jacobs also gives a strong performance and we get the first appearance of "Troy and Abed in the Morning!"  The Pierce storyline isn't as strong, but I do really like the Cookie Crisp joke.  This episode has definitely got it going on.

 9/10: Great 


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