Rocky IV (1985) Review

"I must break you." -Ivan Drago Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren), a Soviet boxer, comes to the United States and faces Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) in an exhibition match, with Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) working as Creed's trainer. The match goes horribly wrong and Creed is beaten to death by Drago. Motivated by revenge, Rocky travels to Moscow to face off against Drago himself in the toughest match of his life. What Works: Ivan Drago is another fantastic villain to go up against Rocky. He is the polar opposite of Clubber Land (Mr. T) from the previous film. Clubber was loud, obnoxious, and in your face. Drago is emotionless throughout the majority of the film, has very little dialogue, and just comes off as cold and brutal. He's very different from anything Rocky has faced before. He is also a massive guy and extremely intimidating. He's a great foe for Rocky to face especially with the added personal conflict of...