The Lego Movie (2014) Review

"Everything is awesome!"

Lord Business (Will Ferrell) is the evil leader of the Lego world who has plans to freeze everyone in place so they will stop messing with his creations.  The only hope to stop the madman is Emmet (Chris Pratt), a construction worker who is the least interesting and least special person in the world.  Emmet has to learn to believe in himself and form a team of powerful allies if he wants to stop Lord Business' diabolical plan.

What Works:

All I can say about The Lego Movie is...EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!  I love this movie and everything about it.  It has such a wild and creative energy that you can't help but be sucked into the Lego world.  This movie simply oozes fun and is endlessly entertaining.

The voice cast is the greatest assembly of talent since The Avengers.  Everyone gives it their all.  Will Ferrell is a fantastic villain, while Liam Neeson plays a cop with two personalities.  Charlie Day is a spaceman who is obsessed with rocket ships.  Alison Brie is half unicorn, half kitty, and has some repressed rage issues.  Nick Offerman is a pirate/android.  Everyone absolutely kills their performances and you can't help but love all of the characters.

Best of all is Will Arnett as Batman.  It's such an over-the-top performance, it's no wonder he was given a spin-off.  It's really fun to see Batman's dark nature heavily mocked and Arnett may be my favorite Batman of them all.

I really like the message of this movie as well.  This is a very anti-authoritarian film with one of the core themes being freedom.  This movie is about being free to be who you are and do things the way only you can do them.  It's a great message for all ages.

The live-action scenes with Will Ferrell and Jadon Sand are really wonderful.  The reveal that the whole movie is just the imagination of Sand's character, Finn, works incredibly well.  Everything fits together and makes the movie interesting to rewatch.  The bonding moment between Finn and his father is really sweet and makes the film unexpectedly emotional.

What Sucks:

The only thing that sucks about The Lego Movie is when it ends and you realize you aren't a kid anymore.  The film is so fun that you don't want to return to normal life after it's over.  It makes you just want to go play with Legos.


The Lego Movie is one of the rare films that I would consider to be perfect.  It's in my Top 10 Movies of all time and I can't enough of it.  It works on every level, it's incredibly entertaining, it has an amazing cast, solid themes, and it's just, plain and simply, fun.  Without exception, every part of this movie has got it going on.

 10/10: Amazing  


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