Lost: Season 3, Episode 6 "I Do" Review

"Kate, damn it, run!" -Jack Shephard The 6th episode of season 3 kicks off with a Kate (Evangeline Lilly) flashback. Kate, using the name Monica, gets married to a Miami police officer, Kevin (Nathan Fillion). She calls up her old nemesis, U.S. Marshal Ed Mars (Fredric Lehne), and begs him to stop chasing her. He agrees, if she can manage to stay put, but he says they both know that isn't going to happen. After a pregnancy scare, Kate drugs Kevin and tells him the truth before leaving him. On Hydra Island, Jack (Matthew Fox) refuses to do Ben's (Michael Emerson) surgery. Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) tells Kate that Danny Pickett (Michael Bowen) is going to kill Sawyer (Josh Holloway) unless she can convince Jack to do the surgery. Kate tries to get Jack to do it, but he refuses. Kate escapes her cage and opens Sawyer's so he can escape, but he tells her they are on another island and they have nowhere to go. Instead, they have sex....