The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) Review

 "High school is worse than a near-death experience."

Two years after the events of the first film, no one believes Cole (Judah Lewis) about the cult and killer babysitter.  When his parents want to send him to a psychological hospital, Cole runs off with his best friend, Melanie (Emily Alyn Lind), and her friends for a weekend on the lake, but Cole runs into a group of enemies, both old and new.

What Works:

This section will be brief.  I will say the kills in this movie are solid.  They are bloody and creative, plus there are a good amount of them.

This movie is mostly a comedy, but a couple of times there are more dramatic and emotional scenes.  We get these between Cole, Phoebe (Jenna Ortega), and Cole's father (Ken Marino).  These are good actors and when they get real with each other, it works.

What Sucks:

The premise of this whole movie is that no one believes Cole that the first movie happened.  I have to call B.S. on that.  Two cops were killed and no one found the bodies!?  It doesn't make any sense.  There is no way Bee (Samara Weaving) managed to cover everything up so perfectly.  And having that be the central plot point of this sequel dooms it to fail from the start.  If I can't buy into your main premise, why even make a movie?

The original film is a simple film about a kid fighting off cultists who want his blood.  It's simple and effective.  That's mostly the same here, until the 3rd act.  We get a reveal that everything was may more complicated and planned out than we previously thought.  It's ridiculous and so unlikely that, again, I just couldn't buy into it.  This story seems so incredibly flawed from the start that this idea should have been scrapped.  Keep it simple.  If you can't come up with a story that is simple and makes sense, don't make a sequel.

The comedy falls completely flat.  It amounts to tired jokes about millennials and pop culture references.  References aren't funny on their own.  In this case, they just make me think about better movies I could be watching.

All of the cultists from the first movie return to get their revenge on Cole, which sounds cool in theory, but all they do is the exact same shtick they did in the first film, but worse.  It isn't funny or interesting, which is a shame because I was excited to have most of them back.

Finally, Samara Weaving was the best part of the first movie and she's barely in this one.  She was alive at the end of the last film, why sideline her so much?  It's a waste of her talent.


I loved the first Babysitter, but this sequel is far worse in every way.  While the kills are good and the emotional moments are nice, the story makes no sense and is far too complicated, the comedy fails across the board, it's too similar to the first film, and Samara Weaving is underused.  Stay far away from this one and just watch the original.

 2/10: Awful 


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