The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) Review

 "I think I hurt someone."
-Arne Johnson

While assisting with the exorcism of his girlfriend's little brother, Arne Johnson (Ruairi O'Connor) invites the demon to take him and leave the kid alone.  Soon after, the demon possesses Arnie in order to commit a murder.  With Arne facing the gas chamber, paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) have to find evidence of demonic possession to save Arne's life and soul.

What Works:

As is always the case with The Conjuring movies, both Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga are excellent and have wonderful chemistry.  This story is far more focused on them than the first two movies were and this is a good thing.  All of these movies are less interesting when the Warren's are not involved and that was probably my biggest criticism of the first two movies, so this was a welcome change.

John Noble is the best new addition to the cast.  He plays Father Kastner, a retired priest who is a really interesting refection of the Warren's.  Noble has an excellent screen presence and I really like his characterization.

The best part of this film is that it is wildly different from the first two.  This is not a haunted house movie.  It's more a super-natural, serial killer, mystery film.  Think Se7en or Zodiac, but with demons.  I like serial killer movies more than haunted house movies most of the time, so I was completely on board for this change of direction, and it works more often than not.

Finally. the 1st act of the movie is truly excellent.  We get a really intense exorcism sequence and an exciting and creepy look at the murder Arne committed.  Everything leading up to Arne being put in jail works remarkably well.

What Sucks:

As is the case with every movie in this franchise, this film is overly reliant on jump scares.  Granted, not every creepy moment is a jump scare, but most of them are.  They are both tiresome and predictable.

The pacing is also a little bit off.  I hate the trope where characters slowly walk around a spooky area, usually calling out for someone, as the movie tries to build tension for the big jump scare.  Sequences like this always take me out of the movie and that is definitely true here.

Finally, the movie doesn't do anything with the premise that was presented in the trailer.  It isn't really about proving demons exist in court or anything like that.  Only two scenes take place in the courtroom.  I was hoping for something a bit more along the lines of The Exorcism of Emily Rose.  I'm a sucker for a good courtroom drama, but we don't get anything of the sort.  It feels like a missed opportunity.


While it is the weakest of the three Conjuring movies, The Devil Made Me Do It is a breath of fresh air for the series.  The story is interesting, the performances are solid, and the first act is really well done.  The later pacing, overuse of jump scares, and the lack of follow through on an engaging premise bring the movie down, but it I would say it's still worth watching.

 7/10: Good 


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