Twin Peaks Premiere "Pilot" Review

"Diane, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies." -Special Agent Dale Cooper In the small, Washington town of Twin Peaks, Pete Martell (Jack Nance) discovers a dead body wrapped in plastic while going fishing. He calls the police, who discover the body is that of Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee), a popular high school student. Laura's mother, Sarah (Grace Zabriskie), discovers Laura isn't in her room and tries to get ahold of her boyfriend, Bobby (Dana Ashbrook). When that doesn't work, Sarah calls her husband, Leland (Ray Wise), who is in a business meeting. During their call, Sheriff Truman (Michael Ontkean) arrives to inform him of Laura's death. Bobby is at the Double R Diner instead of football practice. He offers to give one of the waitresses, Shelley (Mädchen Amick), a ride home and it's revealed the two of them are having an affair. As they approached Shelley's house, they see that her terrifying husband, Leo (Eric Da Re), ha...