Survivor 43, Episode 11 "Hiding in Plain Sight" Gameplay Analysis

 "I got a smile so big I can taste the earwax."
-Cody Assenmacher

I love it when the contestants find a way to beat production at their own game.  It always makes me laugh to watch production scramble to deal with something they didn't anticipate.  This was a fun episode of Survivor thanks to that challenge and a hilarious search for an Advantage.  Let's take a look at who played well and who sucked.

Who Played Well:

Let's start with Karla.  I don't like that she told Cassidy about her Idol.  Granted, that seems to have happened before this episode, but we didn't learn about it until this episode, so it's worth mentioning.  However, Karla won Immunity and ended up being a part of the plan to take out Sami.  She wasn't tricked into voting for Cassidy and she kept her closest ally in the game despite Sami's best efforts.

Knocking Sami out of the game was very good for both Jesse and Cody.  The two of them stay in the game along with 2 Idols and knock out a smart player.  Cody was even better because he found the Advantage and used it successfully to give himself Immunity.

Who Sucked:

Voting out Sami was terrible for Gabler, Owen, and Cassidy.  They really should have tried to blindside Jesse.  It's great that Cassidy survived the vote and that Owen won Immunity, but they took out someone I think they could beat in the Final 3.  Sami was not the correct target at this point and I really don't like Gabler or Cassidy's chances to win.

As for Sami, he played too hard too early.  He made himself seem untrustworthy by trying to play every side and it came back to bite him.  Instead of going after Cassidy, I think he would have had greater success if he had led the charge against Jesse.  I liked his Shot in the Dark play though.


Best Player of the Episode goes to Cody Assenmacher for finding the Advantage, playing it correctly to get Immunity, and knocking Sami out of the game.

Worst Player of the Episode goes to Mike Gabler for voting out one of the only people he had a chance against in the Final 3.  Cassidy and Owen did the same thing, but both of them had positive aspects to their episode.  Gabler did not.

I'm really hoping everyone finally goes for Cody or Jesse in the next episode because this is getting  ridiculous.


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