Survivor 43, Episode 12 "Telenovela" Gameplay Analysis

 "I'm wearing some pretty impressive camo."
-Mike Gabler

Ok, that was my favorite episode of the season, so far.  The strategy talk after the Immunity Challenge was a ton of fun, but then things got real.  That was one of the most brutal betrayals we've seen on Survivor.  Certainly the most hardcore since Tai and Scot in Koah Rong.  Cody was my favorite personality on the season and to see the devastation on his face was actually hard to watch, but I couldn't look away.  Nothing beats the electricity of a genuinely thrilling Tribal Council and Survivor delivered here.  That was some great TV.  Now, let's figure out who played well and who sucked.

Who Played Well:

I think we have to start with Jesse.  I love how he threw Karla under the bus to Cassidy at the beginning of the episode, but that's small potatoes to what he did later on.  He came up with the plan to play Cody's Idol to trick Karla into playing her Idol.  It was a great plan and worked perfectly.  The only hiccup was when Cody asked for his Idol to show Karla.  You can't not give it back.  I think that would have cost Jesse the game.  But somehow, he got Cody to give the Idol back to him, played it, got Karla to play hers, knocked Cody out, all while having a secret Idol in his pocket.  Absolutely incredible.  I was nervous that Cody would be incredibly pissed and try to turn the Jury against Jesse, but he seemed to be okay on his way out, so this could work out for Jesse.  No matter what happens, this was a brutally savage move.

Gabler, Owen, and Cassidy all had a part to play in this vote as well and getting rid of Cody is good for all of them.  Cassidy was especially good because she won Immunity and saved herself from having the votes split between her and Karla.

Who Sucked:

I appreciated that Karla was able to turn on the waterworks to convince people she was genuine.  Unfortunately, other players were more than happy to expose her lies.  I don't blame her for playing her Idol either, but she was beautifully played by Jesse and is left vulnerable going into the Final 5.  I think she's going out next.

As for Cody, ugh, why did you give the Idol back to Jesse!?  You knew you may need to play it if Karla played hers!  Just hold onto it!  Everyone knows you have it!  Just keep it in your pocket, it's fine!  His idea to take out Karla was genius.  Unfortunately, he put too much trust in Jesse.


Best Player of the Episode has to go to Jesse Lopez for throwing Karla under the bus to Cassidy, coming up with the plan to take out Cody, getting the Idol back from Cody, and tricking Karla into playing her Idol.

Worst Player of the Episode goes to Karla Cruz Godoy for misplaying her Idol.  Just a reminder, the person who was eliminated in the episode is not eligible to win either award.

What a perfect note to set us up for the finale.  I'm so excited to see how this shakes out.  Owen wins it all, I'm calling my shot!


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