Survivor 42 Premiere "Feels Like a Rollercoaster" Gameplay Analysis

 "I break rock."
-Mike Turner

It's time for some Survivor 41!  I have to admit, I didn't have high expectations coming into this season simply because the producers didn't get much in the way of feedback after filming 41, since these were filmed back-to-back.  I had a lot of issues with the way production mixed things up last season.  41 was only saved by a stellar cast.  I'm not sure 42's will be able to do the same, but I thought the premiere was pretty solid.  I even like the new Advantage Amulet and I am very excited to see how it plays out.  That said, let's take a look at who played well and who sucked.

Who Played Well:

We'll start with the Ika tribe.  First we have Drea, who managed to get both an Advantage Amulet and an Extra Vote in this episode.  She didn't choose to go on the trek, but was sent there via rock, paper, scissors.  I don't love that she was targeting Rocksroy, but she ended up getting talked out of it and ended up on the right side of the vote.

Next I have Romeo, who realized trying to save Zach was a lost cause and turned on him, while protecting his other alliance member, Rocksroy.

Finally, I have Swati for being on the right side of the vote.

Moving over to Taku, I give credit to Jonathan for not volunteering to do the Sweat challenge and getting the tribe to do Savvy instead.  I thought for sure he would volunteer to do Sweat.  

Omar, Maryanne, and Lindsey did a great job solving Savvy and I like that Lindsey got her hands on an Advantage Amulet.  Maryanne got an Extra Vote, so I'll give her some credit, but I don't like that she volunteered to go on the trek.

Finally, we have Vati.  The entire tribe did a good job of making bonds with at least one other person with the standout being Daniel for sure.  He also had a nice recovery from his early injury.  

Props to Hai for getting his hands on the Advantage Amulet.

Finally, we have Jenny, who lead her team in solving the Savvy challenge and deciding to Protect Her Vote on the trek.  This early in the game, I like the safe move.  Plus she didn't choose to go on the trek, she just drew the short straw.

Who Sucked:

Going back to Ika, Rocksroy was way too bossy and wasn't great in the Immunity Challenge.  He saved himself by targeting Zach and getting into an alliance with Romeo, but I wouldn't be shocked to see him go soon.

Tori made a classic Survivor blunder by looking for the Idol too soon, even if it was just for a few minutes.  I also didn't like how she started a public forum to address the rumor that she had an Idol.  I don't think she's long for this game.  She's my prediction to go next.

Going back to Taku, we didn't get much from Marya, but she did blow the lead Jonathan gave her in the Opening Challenge.  Not a huge deal by any means, but not great.

As for Zach, he didn't perform well in a brutal challenge.  Tough break for him.  He did make the right move in playing the Shot in the Dark, but everyone else made the right move in voting for him.

I was also really bummed to see Jackson go.  He has a really compelling story and was gone far too soon. 


Since we lost two players in this episode, I'm going to give out 2 Best Player of the Episode Awards.  First is Jenny Kim for making an alliance with Mike, leading the tribe on the Savvy challenge, and Protecting Her Vote.

The second one will got to Drea Wheeler for getting the Advantage Amulet and the Extra Vote and for being on the right side of the vote.

I'll also give out 2 Worst Players of the Episode.  First is Rocksroy Bailey for his terrible social game and bossy behavior.

Next is Tori Meehan for looking for an Idol too early and for addressing it in front of the entire tribe.

I'm excited to see what happens next!  If you liked this writeup, check out my Survivor podcast at



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