Morbius (2022) Review

 "It's a curse."
-Dr. Michael Morbius

Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) has suffered from a blood illness his entire life, which threatens to finally kill him.  Morbius develops a cure, which accidentally turns him into a vampire as well.  Though he has taken an oath to do no harm, Morbius soon discovers that without human blood to drink, he will not survive.

What Works:

Easily the best part of the movie is Matt Smith's performance.  He plays the film's villain and while the character isn't interesting, Smith is giving it his all.  He seems to be the only actor to recognize they were in a bad movie, so Smith dials his performance up to 11 with lots of ham and cheese.  Every moment that didn't have Smith on screen was a waste of film.

Finally, there were a few moments here and there that were so bad they were hilarious.  I laughed a lot watching Morbius and had a good time watching it.  The only problem is it isn't a comedy.  But I do award points for unintentional entertainment.

What Sucks:

This movie went through several reshoots and was delayed several times.  You'd think with all the extra time, they would be able to improve the movie, but it seems to have made it more of a mess. The writing is especially egregious as I really didn't understand anybody's motivation.  Scenes just seemed to happen, but I had no idea what anyone was doing or why.  There were several moments where I actually asked, "What is going on?"  That's a bad sign.

All of the reshoots seems to have creative a mess in the overall "narrative".  It felt like there were scenes missing and there were story elements that were shot, but were cut from the final picture.  This movie is a puzzle and not all of the pieces were in the box.

Another big problems is the characters.  All of them are dull and none of the actors, besides Matt Smith, do anything to make them more interesting.  Morbius himself doesn't even have a character arc.  He stays virtually the same over the entire film.  Apart from gaining powers, what happened with his character?

The movie just kinda ends.  Immediately after the final battle, Morbius flies off and then we get credits.  There is no resolution for anybody.  It's just over, except for the post-credit scenes, which are beyond stupid.

Finally, the movie is bad on a technical level.  The CGI sucks, especially in the action sequences, which made me feel more nauseous than anything.  And there are several moments where lines were clearly dubbed over, but it was done very badly.  The final post-credit scene is the biggest offender, but it's not the only one.


Morbius is by far the worst movie I have seen so far in 2022 and the worst superhero movie since Man of Steel.  Matt Smith tries his best, but the rest of the movie is an absolute mess.  I walked into this movie expecting it be embarrassingly bad and it was somehow worse than I expected.

 2/10: Awful 


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