Survivor: Island of the Idols, Episode 6 "Suck it Up Buttercup" Analysis

"Shut your face." -Elaine Stott" Wow, what an episode. This was hands down the best episode of the season with great character moments, riveting gameplay, and an incredible Tribal Council. You couldn't ask for more from an episode of Survivor . Hats off to the editors. They did something truly remarkable here, but was the gameplay remarkable? Let's take a look! Who Played Well: Starting on the Lairo tribe, we'll kick things off with Dean. After Noura approached him with the idea to turn on Jack and Jamal, Dean wisely realized Noura is not an ideal alliance partner and he ratted on her to Jamal. Great move for Dean. Speaking of Jamal, I give him major props for the way he handled the situation with Jack. He took an opportunity to educate and the way he explained how he felt about the word du-rag was very well handled. I really respect his level of composure and he used the opportunity to cement a bond with J...