Joker (2019) Review

"Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?"
-Arthur Fleck

Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a party clown and an aspiring comedian with severe mental illness.  Joker follows Arthur as his life falls apart on every level and he transforms into the super-villain, Joker.

What Works:

Joaquin Phoenix is far and away the best part of the movie.  He completely owns this performance on every level.  He manages to rival Heath Ledger, but doesn't imitate him.  Phoenix puts his own spin on this legendary character and I wouldn't be surprised to see him get nominated for Best Actor at the Oscars.

This movie isn't as violent as I expected.  There are only a handful of scenes where things get bloody, but it's very effective when it does.  The bloodshed that does happen is brutal and intense, but occasionally satisfying.

There is very little humor in Joker.  Surprisingly little, in fact, but on the very rare moments it does happen, it works.  There is a scene where Arthur walks into a glass door, a gag we've seen a million times before, but the way the scene plays out makes this moment hilarious and one of my favorite parts of the film.

Finally, this movie is uncomfortable because it hits way too close to home.  I think that was the filmmakers intention and they succeeded.  Joker is very timely with its themes and it has a lot to say.  I know this turned a lot of people off and made most people, including myself, uncomfortable.  It's a hard movie to watch, but it's certainly effective with its goals.

What Sucks:

The movie is a smidge too long and there is one subplot in particular involving Sophie Dumond (Zazie Beetz) that could have been completely cut.  The subplot is used to further illustrate how unhinged Arthur is, but it wasn't necessary.  We get enough of that from the rest of the film. 

Arthur's appearance on Murray Franklin's (Robert De Niro) comes off as a bit clunky.  Not all of the dialogue works, it's a bit on the nose, and goes on for too long.  The ending is effective, but it could have been trimmed down.

One other note, this movie is basically Taxi Driver and feels too similar at times.  I think I would have enjoyed Joker more if I hadn't already seen Taxi Driver.


Joker is a solid movie with a phenomenal performance from Joaquin Phoenix, the violence and comedy, though rare, are effective when they do occur, and it's a very uncomfortable, yet timely film.  It is a bit too long and too similar to Taxi Driver, but it has still definitely got it going on.

 8/10: Really Good  



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