1917 (2019) Review

"Why in God's name did you have to choose me?"
-Lance Corporal Will Schofield

British soldiers Schofield (George MacKay) and Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) are given a mission to cross no man's land to reach a group of soldiers that include Blake's brother.  They are due to attack the Germans the next morning, but have no idea that they are walking into a trap.  With the lives of 1,600 men on the line, Schofield and Blake have precious few hours to stop the massacre before it can begin.

What Works:

The most incredible aspect of this movie is that it's shot to be one long take.  They don't cut away.  Through some editing magic, it appears to be just one shot.  It's a technical marvel.  I can't emphasize enough how impressive this is.  The dedication and patience to get this right needs to be commended.

George MacKay gives a really fantastic performance and watching him act made me feel exhausted.  I assumed Blake would be the main protagonist because they are trying to reach his brother, but that isn't the case.  I love that Schofield is the main protagonist.  It's more interesting because this isn't a personal mission for him, yet he struggles onward.  That's a really interesting character.

The journey into the German bunker is nothing short of horrifying.  This would be one of my worst nightmares.  The filmmakers managed to capture the claustrophobia to perfection.  It's an intense sequence that left me on the edge of my seat and paid off nicely.

I loved the plane crash sequence at the farm.  We've seen scenes like this in plenty of war movies, but it went a direction I was truly not expecting and is one of the best moments of the film.

Finally, I loved Schofield's desperate race through the ruined city at night.  The fire and flares used to light the sequence were gorgeous.  It's a beautiful and thrilling part of the film and another highlight.

What Sucks:

I've got nothing for you.


I can't give enough praise to 1917.  The acting, cinematography, lighting, editing, and directing are impeccable and I have nothing bad to say about the film.  It's one of the best movies of the year and I expect it to clean up at the Oscars.  There is no question that this movie has got it going on.

 10/10: Amazing  



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