Bottom 10 Movies of 2019

I was pleasantly surprised with how few bad movies there were in 2019.  Yes, I have enough to make a Bottom 10 list, but I don't have any dishonorable mentions.  And these 10 movies are mostly better than the crap from last year.  That said, the worst movie of the year is one of the worst I have even seen in theaters.  So, let's get to my list...the worst 10 films of 2019.

#10. 47 Meters Down: Uncaged

There were aspects of this movie that I liked.  The slo-mo shots were beautiful, there are some fun sequences, one really cool kill, and a fun, if stupid, 3rd act.  Unfortunately, the writing is absolute trash with really repetitive dialog, none of the characters are likable, and it's hard to tell what is happening at times due to the poor lighting.  If we can't see what is going on, why even make a movie?

#9. Dark Phoenix 

While not as bad as X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Dark Phoenix is still the second worst film in the X-Men series.  James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Sophie Turner all do a good job with what they are given and I enjoyed the 3rd act, but this is a very disappointing way to end the series.  It's a boring and generic film that did nothing with it's 1990's setting, Jennifer Lawrence completely phones it in, Quicksilver is put on the sidelines for no good reason, and the villain is very forgettable.

#8. Cats

What an absolute nightmare of a film.  While I liked a handful of the performances and both Jennifer Hudson and Taylor Swift were great, this movie is very hard to watch at times.  The visual effects are obviously unfinished and unsettling.  It just looks...wrong.  The story is confusing, the larger musical numbers were overwhelming, and the main protagonist was the dullest character in the film.

#7. Annabelle Comes Home

I was really excited for this movie.  The trailer was great and I was hoping we'd get our first good Conjuring spin-off.  It was fun having Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga around, there are a couple of creepy moments, the actors are fine, and there are a few funny moments.  Unfortunately, the film suffers from having one of the stupidest horror movie characters of all time.  I'm not kidding when I say this may be the single most preventable horror movie ever.  The second act is very boring and made me want to take a nap, the overabundance of jump scares felt cheap, and it doesn't do anything new.

#6. Countdown

I was really hoping Countdown would be a fun, cheesy movie.  The acting is surprisingly solid and both Tom Segura and P. J. Byrne are very fun in their few scenes.  Mostly this movie is just bland.  It doesn't do enough with its concept.  The scares are generic and the lighting is bad at times.  Once again, if you can't tell what is happening, why even make a movie?

#5. The Dead Don't Die

This is probably the most disappointing movie of the year.  Bill Murray and Adam Driver fighting zombies!  What more could you ask for?!  And the both of them are really great and if the movie had focused on those two more, it could have been awesome.  The other two thirds of this movie don't work at all.  The social satire isn't clever, the meta comedy falls flat, and none of the subplots go anywhere, which wastes a supremely talented cast.

#4. The Intruder

Dennis Quaid is really good in this and there are some fun choices in terms of cinematography and sound design, but that's about all the credit I can give this film.  The two main characters are very unlikable and useless, Quaid's character gets rapey, which drains the fun out of the film, and if Quaid isn't on screen, the movie is simply dull.

#3. Men in Black: International

The whodunnit element of the film works well enough and Kumali Nanjiani has some funny moments, but that's about the end of the positives for this turd.  This movie is sooooooo boring.  I couldn't get invested in the story to save my life.  The characters have hardly any depth and the villain is the dullest of the series.  While the movie isn't quite as bad as Men in Black II, it's close and that's pathetic.

#2. Hellboy 

It's a crime against humanity that we got this reboot instead of a proper sequel to Hellboy II: The Golden Army.  While David Harbour does a good job and there are some neat visuals, the movie has a borderline nonsensical plot with way too much crammed in.  The CGI is terrible, Hellboy's team sucks, and I just couldn't bring myself to care.  What a travesty.

Here we go!  It's time for the worst film of 2019, which is one of the worst films I have even seen in theaters........

#1. Black Christmas

God, the trailer for this movie looked so good.  The one piece of credit I will give this movie is that they did something different with the story and the trailer made it look so fun.  Instead, we get a movie full of unlikable and uninteresting characters.  I barely remember any of them and those I do are for the wrong reasons.  The character of Kris is completely insulting because we are supposed to like her character, but she is just the worst.  The cinematography is lackluster with too many crash-zooms, there are plot points that aren't made clear, and the kills are simply lame and don't do enough with the Christmas theme.  This was a miserable movie to sit through and I am filled with regret about seeing it.

And that's it!  What do you think?  Did I nail it or am I dead-dog wrong?  Let me know!


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