Survivor: Island of the Idols, Episode 7 "I Was Born at Night, but Not Last Night" Analysis

"One of us is gonna have to get chopped."
-Tommy Sheehan

Island of the Idols gives us another great episode of Survivor with some interesting conversations on gender and an epic Tribal Council.  There was also some complex and interesting gameplay, which is what I'm all about, so let's take a closer look.

Who Played Well:

We'll start with Lairo where the majority of the tribe voted for Dean, which I think was the right move for all of them (except Kellee), so even though there was an Idol play, I don't hold it against any of them for voting Dean.

Janet was really bad at throwing coconuts in the challenge, but I liked that she decided not to play the game on the Island of the Idols.  She put some real thought into it, although it could bite her later on, but with the information she had, I think she made the right move.

Kellee was amazing in this episode and I'm really rooting for her to win.  She saved Dean, which is a fantastic move for her, eliminated Jack, who could have been a massive threat, and pinned the crime on Noura.  It's possible this could blow up in her face, but I love what we've seen so far and I think she can pull it off.

Finally, Dean's relationship with Kellee saved him and he got rid of a big threat in Jack.

Over on Vokai, the only person I want to talk about is Missy, who saw right through Tommy and Lauren's plan.  She wants to split them up and had the right idea in wanting to get rid of Tommy.

Who Sucked:

Back on Lairo, Jamal annoyed Kellee greatly and horribly misplayed his Idol.  I don't know what he was thinking in playing that on Noura.  It was an awful call.  He had least made the right move in trying to eliminate Dean, but that's the only positive I can give him.

Noura continues to be a delightful basket-case with a terrible Tribal Council performance.  She was also totally used by Kellee and could easily be the next person eliminated from the game.

Over on Vokai, Dan is continuing to be too grabby and needs to cool it.

I appreciate Lauren and Tommy's attempt to throw Dan under the bus, but they are being way too obvious about it and are coming across as a duo.  They need to do a better job of hiding their relationship.

We didn't get enough of Aaron, Elaine, or Elizabeth for me to have an opinion on their game.


The Best Player of the Episode is Kellee Kim for saving Dean, eliminating Jack, and setting up Noura as the fall guy.

The Worst Player of the Episode is Noura Salman for her erratic Tribal Council performance and for allowing herself to be used by Kellee.

This was a great episode and sets an exciting stage for the merge.  I can't way to see how this plays out.



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