Survivor: Island of the Idols, Episode 9 "Two for the Price of One" Analysis

"I'll talk to you when I want to talk to you."
-Karishma Patel

Well, this episode was much easier to watch than last week's episode.  It still feels a little gross to watch because Dan is still around, but at least Aaron and especially Missy went home.  Anyway, let's get into the gameplay.

Who Played Well:

We'll start with Karishma, who managed to find a Hidden Immunity Idol, took a bold move and held onto the Idol, and eliminated Missy.  This felt like a coming-out episode for Karishma and I hope she can keep it up.

Elaine won Immunity and she and Tommy both helped eliminate Missy, which was the best move for both of them.

Noura also won Immunity and orchestrated the Aaron vote, which was a great move.  She got Dan, Lauren, Janet, and Dean on board to make a really solid move.

As gross as Dan is, I like that Janet reconnected with him.  It's the right move for her as much as it sucks.  It's also pretty amazing that she didn't get voted out here.

Finally, Dean tried to save Aaron, but saw that the writing was on the wall and jumped on board to vote him out.  He was smart to cut his losses and let Aaron go.

Who Sucked:

Only one of the remaining Survivors played poorly in this episode and that is Elizabeth.  She tried to get Karishma on the same page as her and Missy but failed.  She lost her two biggest allies and was on the wrong side of the vote.

As for Aaron and Missy, they played the entire game way too aggressively and it came back to bite them.  Missy handled the situation with Karishma very poorly and they were both too threatening to be allowed to go any further.


Since two people went home in this episode, I am going to name two Best Players of the Episode.  First is Karishma Patel for finding an Idol, holding onto it, and eliminating Missy.  The second is Janet Carbin for not going home, getting rid of Aaron, and reconnecting with Dan.

I will only give out one Worst Player of the Episode because only one person played poorly and that is Elizabeth Beisel for not fixing the Karishma situation, losing her two closest allies, and being on the wrong side of the vote.

Can Dan and Elizabeth be the next to go, please?


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