Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Review

"Hasta la vista, baby."

Skynet sends another Terminator back in time to kill a 10-year old John Conner (Edward Furlong), but this model, the T-1000 (Robert Patrick) has significant upgrades.  John's older self sends one of the T-800's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) back to protect him and save the human race.

What Works:

T2 is a thrilling movie with some incredible action sequences.  The chase through the Los Angeles waterway is iconic, and the last half hour is a nonstop juggernaut of action.  This is what all action movies should strive to be.

The twist that the T-800 is a good guy this time around is wonderful and executed to perfection.  It's a god-tier twist and justifies why this sequel should exist.  Schwarzenegger does an incredible job and watching him work side by side with Sarah Conner (Linda Hamilton) is a dream come true.

Speaking of Sarah Conner, Hamilton is even better than she was in the first movie.  She's been through a lot and shows off a vulnerable side, but is also a complete badass.  Her escape from the mental hospital is really exciting and I really like the development of her character.

Robert Patrick is terrifying as the liquid metal T-1000.  He's an excellent villain that gives Schwarzenegger a run for his money.  I love the special effects they use for his character and he's certainty a villain you won't forget.

Finally, I love Sarah's nightmare where we see a playground of children killed in a nuclear blast.  It's a horrifying scenes and they don't hold back on the graphic nature of the scene.  It's horrific and possibly the best scene of the movie.

What Sucks:

I have one and only one problem with this movie and that's Edward Furlong.  I wish they had cast anybody else in the role of John Conner.  Furlong is just so annoying.  I hate almost every word that comes out of his mouth.  He's obnoxious and unlikable.  It's hard to root for his survival.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day is so close to being a perfect movie that it hurts.  Most of the characters are fantastic, the action sequences are incredible, and the pacing is excellent.  If only Edward Furlong weren't so annoying, than this would be a perfect movie.  Regardless, it's absolutely got it going on.

 10/10: Amazing 


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