Survivor: Ghost Island Episode 10 "It's Like the Perfect Crime" Review

"Uh uh, honey."
-Donathan Hurley 

Man, Ghost Island is on a role.  Another great episode with some fantastic fireworks.  Good stuff.

Who Played Well:

Let's start with this week's Ghost Island resident, Angela.  Although she ended up losing her vote, I think she made the right move going for the advantage.  A 67% is worth the risk.  I don't know who she would have voted for, but it didn't matter.  I think she's still in a good spot.

Then we have Domenick and Wendell who both did a great job of reading the situation correctly and getting rid of Desiree.  I especially like how Domenick acted like a mob boss.  He has been playing much better since Chris was voted out.

Moving on to the Malolo 4, Michael, Donathan, Jenna, and Laurel did an awesome job of tag-teaming Desiree under the bus.  Their work at Tribal Council was impressive and it was really fun to watch.  I think Michael must have done a good job communicating with Domenick to make sure he wasn't going.  And Donathan found the idol with some help from the others.  As for Laurel, I don't know if she made the right move of selling out Desiree to Domenick.  It could end up working out for her, but it could easily cost her the game.  So I don't know if it was the right decision, but she executed it well.  Good job all around to the Malolo's.

We didn't see a ton of Sebastian, but I liked the way he placated Michael at the Reward.  He handled it as well as he could have, and Kellyn appreciated it too.

Finally, we have Chelsea, who won Immunity.  It gets a little more mixed for her because she was on the wrong side of the vote, but I think it was still a net positive because she managed to put a little bit of distance between herself and Desiree.  Time will tell if it was enough.

Who Sucked:

We only have one person to talk about in this section, and unfortunately, it's my girl, Kellyn.  First off, she is waaaaaaayyyyyy too trusting of Desiree.  She eventually was convinced to vote her out, but it took a lot, and it could have easily been Kellyn tonight if Laurel and Desiree hadn't blown up the game.  Plus, she was way to aggressive in her conversation with Domenick.  I sure he will remember that.  Kelly is in a tough spot now and doesn't have much room to maneuver.

Finally, let's talk about the latest member of the jury, Desiree.  The problem wasn't in Desiree's plan.  I think it was smart of her to start targeting the big threats, such as Kelly, Domenick, and Wendell.  They all need to go if any of the others want to win.  Her problem was her approach of the Malolo 4.  She should have talked to them 1-on-1, not in a big group.  She left herself exposed by revealing too much, too fast.  Then, when she was called out, she had a meltdown.  She got way too aggressive and it made her look guilty.  She had the right idea, but went about it the wrong way, and couldn't keep her composure when things went wrong.


The "Stacy's Blog Player of the Week Award" this time goes to Donathan Hurley.  I loved his work in throwing Desiree under the bus, and he found an idol to boot.

The "Not The Player For Me Award" goes to Kellyn Bechtold, which sucks, because she's my pick in the Survivor Draft I'm in.  She was far too trusting of Desiree and handled her discussion with Domenick too aggressively.  I wouldn't be shocked at all if she was next to go.

This really was a great episode.  I love when a player gets caught in a lie and watching them try to worm their way out of it.  It really separates the good players from the great.


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