Wishmaster: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)

"I just want to give you what you want."
-The Djinn

The 4th and final Wishmaster film follows Lisa Burnley (Tara Spencer-Nairn) as she tires to win a lawsuit against a motorcycle company after her boyfriend, Sam (Jason Thompson), is paralyzed in an accident.  While meeting with their lawyer, Steven Verdel (Michael Trucco), who has a crush on her, Steven gives Lisa an ancient box, which has the fire-opal inside.  Lisa rubs the opal, which awakens the Djinn (John Novak), who kills Steven and takes his form.  The Djinn quickly manipulates Lisa into making three wishes, but runs into a problem when Lisa wishes that she could love the Djinn for who he really is.  Stuck with a wish that can can't grant himself, the Djinn has to find a way to make Lisa fall in love with him if he ever wants to release the rest of his kind.

What Works:

I know the description above sounds more like a parody than anything, but I actually kind of enjoyed it.  The first three films are all basically the same movie, and I appreciate that this one does something different.  It doesn't always succeed at what it's doing, but kudos for mixing it up.

Again, Michael Trucco is no Andrew Divoff, but he does a fine job playing the Djinn in his human form.  He's much better than the guy from the 3rd film anyway.  The acting as a whole is probably the best of the series.  It's nothing special, but everybody is fine.

What Sucks:

The ending of this movie kinda sucks.  Spoiler Alert:

It ends with everyone dead except for Lisa.  She goes outside and has a flashback to the beginning of the film when her life was good.  It's strangely edited and not a great way to end a film.

The kills aren't anything special.  There is one solid decapitation, but for the most part, nothing stands out.  They aren't as bad as the ones in part 3 though.

Finally, the movie feels aimless at points.  The Djinn's goal eventually becomes making Lisa fall in love with him, but there are parts where I don't really understand what he is doing.  He goes to a strip club for some reason and people get killed, yadda yadda.  But I'm not quite sure why he is doing what he is doing at parts of the movie.


While I appreciate Wishmaster: The Prophecy Fulfilled for trying something new, and for having decent acting, I still can't reccomend it for it's non-ending, unmemorable kills, and general aimlessness.  It's not a bad movie, it's just not good either.

 5/10: Meh    


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